Deedlecast is the vanity podcast of the virtually unknown DJDeedle. Whenever he feels like it (formerly every Friday), DJDeedle posts a 30 to 45-minute show, called a "Deedlecast," featuring mashup, chillout, downtempo, or dance mixes and remixes of every conceivable kind.
Dietary Caution: Some Deedlecasts may contain components that are raw or political; consumption of which may increase the risk of offense among [overly] sensitive individuals. DJDeedle assumes no responsibility, express or implied, if anyone is offended by Deedlecast, and firmly believes that any offense you might feel is something best taken up with your therapist. Any Deedlecast containing rude words will be labeled appropriately. Persons with nut allergies need not fear consumption of Deedlecast.
Legal Stuff: The majority of the music on this site has been, by my own free admission, created using non-sanctioned, copyrighted material of other artists. All audio material of this nature is for demonstration purposes only and, unless you own the copyright, should not be kept or redistributed. DJDeedle does not make any money from this and believes that the end-product is sufficiently different not to cause the original artists any financial hardship. However, DJDeedle will remove any file upon receipt of a written request to do so. Finally, if you like the music you hear on this site, please go out and buy something by the original artists - one hand washes the other. Remember, as always, past performance is no indication of future return.