Feb 28, 2014
Today's Deedlecast marks 8 years we've faced the music together. It's truly time for a party, and DJDeedle has just the music you need to celebrate. DJDeedle's taken a little break from his time away from the mixing board to put together a special something to help you party like it's 1999 or even 1959. This show...
Feb 21, 2014
Deedlecast's fresh and new 8th anniversary show is just a week away. But this week, we flashback to one of DJDeedle's very favorite shows, Deedlecast's 5th anniversary show from2011, "Mood Underground."
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Mood_Underground.mp3
Feb 14, 2014
Deedlecast's eighth anniversary is just around the corner. So, this week let's look back to the fourth anniversary show, "Progressive Elements" from February 26, 2010. Prog-rock blended with a whole host of other sounds, both old and not so old for a truly progressive effect.
Feb 7, 2014
Back in April 2011, DJDeedle got you "Wired 4 Sound." The full-on, hi-fi, hardwired Deedlecast sound you love. Flash back to that classic Deedlecast.
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Wired_for_Sound.mp3