Feb 28, 2009
What do Peter Gabriel, Human League, Don Ho, Timo Maas, and the
Monkees have in common? Ordinarily nothing. DJDeedle
couldn't let Charles Darwin's 200th birthday pass without involving
all those artists in some shocking monkey business.
Happy belated birthday, Charles. We owe you for your
brilliant theory that...
Feb 27, 2009
Though DJDeedle isn't one to glom on to movies just because they
win awards, for some weeks since the movie's release, he's been
captivated by the music from Slumdog Millionaire, this year's Oscar
winner for Best Picture, Best Original Score, and Best Original
This week, DJDeedle takes liberties with the movie's...
Feb 20, 2009
Computers, the internet, and digital technology have altered
forever the relationship between musical artists and their fans and
listeners. Digital artists, particularly bootleggers, have
altered this relationship further using computers to rework
classics and forgotten favorites, weaving them into the unique...
Feb 13, 2009
Today is George Washington's birthday, and yesterday was Abraham Lincoln's. On Monday, because everyone likes a Monday off, we honor the births of these two American presidents who saved the nation from threats to its very existence. Today, though, DJDeedle honors our new president, Barack Obama, who singlehandedly...
Feb 6, 2009
This week, kung fu fighting gets more than a little exciting.
One hit wonders, Carl Douglas and Vivian Hawke's somewhat
culturally insensitive 1974 classic finds new life in the 21st
Century, a skip into a brand new trip.