Mar 27, 2009
The nation's elites, from politicians to leaders of business and
finance, have been caught playing fast and loose with the rules.
More serious than smoking in the gym and calling the English
teacher "Daddio," they've tarnished our national reputation, run up
our bills, robbed our savings, and stalled our economy. Now...
Mar 20, 2009
A different sound, a change of style. Sooner or later, it happens
to everyone. Sound collage, experimental melodies, classic songs
made over, and some tinkering with the sublime sonics of the master
of ambient drone, John Pemble. DJDeedle uses some of Pemble's
sublime sonics as the canvas on which to paint other...
Mar 13, 2009
As you listen to this week's Deedlecast, DJDeedle is very likely
making the long journey across time zones from Eastern to
Hawaiian. With the start of daylight saving time last week,
and all these time zones to consider this week, telling time is
getting a bit confusing. It doesn't matter what time it is or
what time...
Mar 6, 2009
Next Friday, DJDeedle leaves for two weeks in Kauai. But
before then, there is much to do, work to be done, Deedlecasts to
to be polished and posted. Such a busy period requires a
little self-imposed discipline. This week DJDeedle subjects
you to a strict regimen to keep you focused, on task, and
above all things,...