Apr 24, 2009
"Hi fi" is a term used by audiophiles to refer to high quality
reproduction of sound, so free of noise and distortion, and so
highly tuned with accurate frequency response as to be extremely
faithful to the original performance.
Though the component songs in this Deedlecast certainly were never
performed quite like...
Apr 17, 2009
This week DJDeedle turns technological lemons into a sweet
surprise. DJDeedle invites you to the Print\Jam. Let
the machines do their thing, and some familiar things may turn out
in ways you'd never expect.
Apr 10, 2009
Everyone's story deserves a happy ending. But when it looks
like that it's just not in the cards, sometimes you just have to
pull one from thin air.
All's well that ends well. And above all, no matter how
fictional, end it well.
Apr 3, 2009
DJDeedle's back from the beach, back to work, totally jetlagged,
and feeling a bit like zombie. But that's not so bad.
Despite their somewhat deserved reputation for being dead and
spending most their time wandering the Earth eating people's
brains, Zombies have a culture of their own, and often they really
know how...