Aug 26, 2011
Today is officially DJDeedle's last day in Washington, DC. The Deedlecast tour departs Washington, DC and hits Cincinnati, OH, Chicago, IL, San Francisco, CA, ultimately arriving in our new home, Kapaa, HI. It is only fitting that for DJDeedle's parting Washington, DC Deedlecast, should be one created from part of a...
Aug 19, 2011
This week, life gets a little freaky. Deedlecast studios have packed up and gone mobile and cloud based for the move across the globe. This week's Deedlecast is going to make you freak.
"Freak Life" includes some vocals by the late Amy Winehouse, an incredibly talented singer who tragically let the freak...
Aug 12, 2011
Every week, DJDeedle brings you music outside the bounds of moral and legal obligations. How does he do this? DJDeedle controls the most advanced technology ever conceived. Join DJDeedle on the Cutting Edge.
Aug 5, 2011
This week, the glitches get just what they deserve. DJDeedle pulls the glitch switch bringing all those sneaky glitches into harmony and alignment.