Sep 28, 2012
Oh, hi. It's me DJDeedle. Don't mind me. I'm just here to blow up the Earth! Let's just make it a full on party, then. What do you say?
Sep 21, 2012
At last, the chill you've been waiting for has finally arrived. Sit back, relax, and let the cool work its magic.
Sep 14, 2012
Physicists tell us that when dimensions bump up against each other, they release energy and create entirely new universes. This week, DJDeedle brings you a new universe of multidimensional sound. Some parts of this new universe may seem familiar, but it's definitely got a power and energy of its own.
Sep 7, 2012
What drives your mood? Sometimes, it's simply sound. This week on Deedlecast, DJDeedle tinkers with the complex mood mechanisms to create the perfect emotion engine.