Aug 28, 2015
Sometimes a little trouble is just fine. So long as it's N-Trouble. What's "N Trouble?" you ask? Tune in and find out.
Aug 21, 2015
No need to fiddle around with the channels, this week's Deedlecast is just what you want right now. Remember when we used to wait around for our favorite song to come on the radio? This is Radio On Demand.
Aug 14, 2015
Summer's flying by, and if you haven't hit the beach yet, you'd better get on the ball. Grab your swim trunks, your sunscreen, and your favorite ice cold beverage and join the beach ball.
Aug 7, 2015
It all gets a bit technical today on #Deedlecast. House beats, techno, and classic rock meet seemlessly thanks to modern technology. Don't sweat the technical stuff. Leave that all to DJDeedle.