Sep 27, 2013
All aboard! It's time to catch The Thunder Line. The Thunder Line is the fast train to the rock music you love, with stops in Classic, Metal, Pop, and Punk. An express train to all the best places to rock in Funky Town. No ticket required!
Sep 20, 2013
Deedlecast studios are powered by an array of solar panels. That means each and every Deedlecast is infused with the power of the tropical Kauai sun. Though you won't need sunscreen, like the island sun, this week's Deedlecast can be intense. At last, a renewable and clean source of electronic dance music.
Sep 13, 2013
You know you've always wanted to kow what it was like on the other side. Don't try to run. Don't try to hide. This week, at long last you have your chance to break on through to the other side.
Sep 6, 2013
What the hell is a "hipster?" DJDeedle freely admits to not knowing precisely what a hipster is. But, perhaps this may be forgiven as hipsters don't seem to know either. From DJDeedle's decidely square perspective, hipsterism appears to be centered mainly around not being "mainstream" (whatever that means), creating a...