Feb 29, 2008
Feb 22, 2008
It's time to slow down, relax, take off all the harsh edges.
DJDeedle presents a Pan-Sonic Incident, capturing the rich, warm
sound not often present in the age of digital jazz and
Although DJDeedle hasn't bought into this theory yet: for decades,
audiophiles have believed that any sound piped through an...
Feb 15, 2008
Very likely by the time you are reading this, the long suffering
one and I will be well on our way to our annual pilgrimage to
No need to worry, though. Your superstar DJ has stocked up on
Deedlecasts; and you can count on your weekly episodes even while
DJDeedle basks on the beach.
Feb 8, 2008
What's this funny music on Deedlecast? Shaking things up a
bit, a rock show is what we've got for you. A rock n' roll
Deedlecast? It may smell a little funny for a Deedlecast, but
a little rock and metal is nice for a change.
Note: This rock show may have a couple of foul smelling words
Feb 3, 2008
Everyone loves the music of the 80s. For those of you who, like Deedle, just can't get enough 80s music, here are links to a host of 80s heavy Deedlecast episodes and some 80s singles:
September 10, 2010 STS-Infinity
April 23, 2010 Rewind
April 16, 2010 Off the Record
April 9, 2010 MTV Generation
January 9, 2010 Yazz...