Feb 24, 2012
At last, the moment you've all been waiting for. This week marks six years of Fridays we've faced the music together. That's 312 Fridays, and as many individual Deedlecasts, along with a dozen or so singles here and there. Once again, DJDeedle pulls out another performance of a lifetime to last another week. We've...
Feb 17, 2012
If there's one thing DJDeedle does well, it's reuse, recycle, and repurpose other folks' music. As the 6th anniversary of Deedlecast celebration continues, DJDeedle brings you the inspired and brilliant music of the weirdly hilarious "Green Wing" mashed, mixed and repurposed with all kinds of recycled sound. This week,...
Feb 10, 2012
Though the actual anniversary date is three weeks away, this month marks six years of Deedlecast. You can probably tell DJDeedle's pretty amped about it. This week you'll "Get Amp'd" too.
Feb 3, 2012
This week, DJDeedle takes the sound uptown where the best funk flavors live. Hop on the A Train with DJDeedle and experience the gritty authentic uptown sound.