Jun 26, 2009
Ian Fleming's James Bond is not the most complex of characters. But the franchise of films has given us some of our most memorable cinematic moments and cultural clichés. Time marches on for everyone but James Bond, who never seems to get older (except for that unfortunate return of Sean Connery at 53 in Never Say...
Jun 15, 2009
Caffeine, everyone's favorite psychoactive stimulant, can have a profound effect on the human brain and psyche. It picks us up when we are down, speeds us up when we are slow, can cause and cure headaches, can leave us jittery and on edge, and sometimes drops us just as quickly as it picks us up. This Deedlecast is a...
Jun 12, 2009
June is Gay Pride Month, and this weekend in Washington, DC is
Capital Pride weekend. Though some even in the gay community
think that the time for pride parades and festivals has passed,
given the the civil rights gains and losses of the past year, it's
more important than ever to be visible and demonstrate our...
Jun 5, 2009
News that Vince Shlomi, aka the "Slap Chop guy" or the "Sham Wow
guy," was arrested for
felony battery when a game of slap and tickle with a Miami
prostitute turned violent, prompted DJDeedle to take some liberties
with Slap Chop guy's infomercial. Actually, DJDeedle took
liberties with a youtube spoof, Slap Rap...