Mar 31, 2006
As anyone who travels these days is well aware, travel by air can be a trying experience, with all the delays, airport security, cancellations, overbooking, extra charges, etc. Surprisingly, DJDeedle and his long suffering consort are not excepted from these difficulties. Nevertheless, we have persevered and have...
Mar 24, 2006
As many of you know, DJDeedle's signal has been relocated
temporarily to the island of Kaua'i, Hawaii, and this week's
Deedlecast eminates from there. Commensurate with DJDeedle's
vacationing mood, this episode is a relaxing melange of many
musical flavors, hues, and textures.
Aloha, and thank you for your kokua!
Mar 17, 2006
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Itunes software!
Last week featured the easygoing music of one of my favorites, Alex C. This week, I've chosen another of my favorite bootleggers, Mark Vidler, of Go Home Productions (GHP). Mark Vidler is a professional sound enginer and dj,...
Mar 16, 2006
The long suffering one purchased the soundtrack to "Brokeback Mountain" on Itunes the other day. The album has seven achingly beautiful guitar songs by Gustavo Santaolalla. If you've seen the film, you know that Santaolalla's pieces play as vital a role as the Wyoming (actually Alberta) landscape in setting the mood....
Mar 14, 2006
Today would have been his sixteenth birthday. It's hard to believe
he's been gone for over a year. There was never a better, more
loyal, patient, sweet, loving, attentive, well-behaved, constant,
or adorable companion. There was also never a companion more loved
or missed.
This isn't a Deedlecast. It's a single...