Apr 24, 2015
This week, DJDeedle experiments with the theory of the mobius, a twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop. When you play with time, you never know where you'll end up. Experience a true mobius trip!
Apr 17, 2015
Don't be afraid. Go ahead and grab that "LiveWire." The shock is worth it. Lots of "a-ha" moments in this one!
Apr 10, 2015
This week, DJDeedle takes away some of the distracting bells and whistles and brings your music a little clarity. Simple, accessible, and totally clear.
Apr 3, 2015
Saturday night's the zippiest night of the week. It's the night when you can leave the worries of work far behind, go out on the town, and have fun. Live up a little. With this week's show you can get that Saturday night jive you need any day of the week.