Jun 16, 2006
As many of you know, DJDeedle, along with the long suffering one and two dear friends of ours, are training for the Washington DC AIDS Marathon (aka Marine Corps Marathon). Although the torture of the training and the actual marathon are enough incentive, the real reason we are doing this is to raise money for the Whitman Walker Clinic, here in DC. As many of you know, the Clinic is the DC area's leading provider of direct medical care, food, housing, legal services, and other important services for those who have HIV or AIDS and don't have the means to pay. The Clinic was DJDeedle's neighbor for several years, and this dj has volunteered quite a lot of hours there. I can vouch for how vitally important their work is, and how truly grateful their clients are.
As one might imagine, this marathon requires quite a bit of training, consisting mainly of long runs. Fortunately, because Deedle possesses dj powers, he can make his own running mixes. This week Deedle presents just one of the many continuous musical works that keeps him running when the feet say, "no," the knees protest, and there are still miles left to run.
If you are so inclined, please stop by the Deedlecast team page (http://www.aidsmarathon.com/participant.asp?runner=DC-9614&EventCode=MC06) and make a contribution.* We appreciate it, and so do the clients of the Whitman Walker Clinic.
*Since we participants and the Marine Corps pay for all the expenses of the event, every cent our training team raises goes to support the Clinic. Also, your contributions are fully deductible.