Jul 31, 2010
DJDeedle's been wearing those funny toe shoes you've seen, those Vibram Five Fingers shoes, for about a year now. Now he has a closet full of the shoes, and he wears them to run, at the gym, and generally everywhere he can get away with it. These simple shoes inspire. Recently, the company responsible for these toe shoes has launched a microsite, youarethetechnology.com, which cleverly and provocatively demonstrates that all the technology you need to run and walk is you.
The simple rhythmic pulse used in the site inspired DJDeedle to work the track into a little single, a mix of the sounds of youarethetechnology.com, and "She Said," the work of the British rapper, Plan B.
So now, DJDeedle is not just inspired by Vibram Five Fingers physically, but musically as well.
Enjoy the technology.