The 80's live again on Deedlecast, thanks to the folks at
Born Again
80's. The kind folks at Born Again 80's are a fantastic
resource for extended mixes and unique remixes of your favorite
80's tunes, and have become a regular stop for DJDeedle's musical
DJDeedle reminds you that, though "popping" collars on your polo
shirt, and stacking polos were both popular in the 1980's, so were
Ronald Reagan, star wars defense systems, trickle-down
economics, and soaring deficits -- all bad ideas in retrospect.
DJDeedle kindly requests that you save the polo stacking, collar
popping, pant leg pegging, and Reagan worship for 80s theme
More of DJDeedle's thoughts on the evils of collar popping can be
found at:
Want more 80s
mashup? In case you missed them try these previous
Dash and Daring Do
Like It Was