Apr 16, 2007
Body Smith, located at 1622 14th
Street NW in Washington, DC's Logan Circle, is like a second home
to DJDeedle (some might say like a second mortgage as well).
The experts in physical fitness, training, and nutrition at Body
Smith have for seven plus years now kept your dj lifting, jumping,
climbing, crunching, curling, pressing, etc., all at the same time
keeping him safe, balanced, and free from injury. Most
importantly, though, his expert friends at Body Smith have given
him consistent and salutary results.
DJDeedle is honored to announce that, in order to spice the
ambience up a bit, Body Smith will now be playing
and other music selected by DJDeedle on both levels of the
gym. In the near future, Body Smith will also offer
ipods for clients to check out while they run, bike, or
otherwise exercise.
Please stop by the Body Smith website and check out
the training options, boxing and yoga classes, as well as the
nutrition and massage services. Or stop by the gym in Logan
Circle for a tour. Tell them you're a friend of the DJ!