Feb 3, 2008
Everyone loves the music of the 80s. For those of you who, like Deedle, just can't get enough 80s music, here are links to a host of 80s heavy Deedlecast episodes and some 80s singles:
September 10, 2010 STS-Infinity
April 23, 2010 Rewind
April 16, 2010 Off the Record
April 9, 2010 MTV Generation
January 9, 2010 Yazz Attack (Single)
September 11, 2009 Iconic
July 8, 2009 Killing Me Softly (Deedle's Ramble)
(Single) May 29, 2009 Fatal Wedding Crash (Single)
July 12, 2008 Liquid Genius of Love (Single)
April 18, 2008 Blue Plate Special
March 21, 2008 Policy of Truthiness
February 1, 2008 Insomniac 80s
January 26, 2008 Gangsta Amadeus (Single)
January 26, 2008 Relax (Deedle's Flavor Mix) (Single)
December 31, 2007 Bluest Monday (Single)
December 29, 2007 Crowded House of Rattlesnakes (Single)
December 26, 2007 Everything Counts (Deedle's Plenary Mix) (Single)
November 23, 2007 Chains of the Familiar
October 5, 2007 Kiss FM
September 21, 2007 Shouting at Me
July 13, 2007 Saved by Don Quichotte (Single)
May 11, 2007 Reagan Mixed and Remixed
April 6, 2007 Madonna's America
March 9, 2007 Miss Jackson
November 26, 2006 (single) She Blinded Me With Saturday All Night Long
September 22, 2006 Purple Prince
September 15, 2006 Dash and Daring-Do
September 8, 2006 Most Sensational Inspirational Celebrational Muppetational...
September 15, 2006 Dash and Daring Do
September 1, 2006 Its Would Be, It Would Be So Nice
June 9, 2006 Like It Was Yesterday
April 7, 2006 Show Respect for Michael
March 2, 2006 The Miracles of Computer Technology
February 15, 2006 Dash and Daring Do